Backups - Is your cloud hosted data & email backed up at all?

Even though your organization’s SaaS data is in the cloud, that doesn’t mean it’s completely safe. 

When it comes to working in cloud-based applications, the option of granular recovery isn’t a given. But the opportunity for human error is.

Whilst many cloud based offerings such as Microsoft Office 365 & G Suite by Google Cloud do include limited backup functionality within the service subscription, often these do not meet individual companies own data policies or requirements. Further to this, where they do, there is often a significantly longer recovery time than you would have come to expect from traditional local infrastructure.

ATS Solutions have offerings to resolve any short comings in the basic inbuilt functionality of these platforms. These offerings backup to other cloud services so you still do not have the overhead of local equipment or hassle of dealing with local backup drives etc. The following are a list of typical benefits seen from adding a more complete backup solution to your existing cloud based services - 

• Safe from the most common cause of data loss, user errors
• Recoverable from data loss due to system errors
• Available longer than a short 30-day window
• Protected against internal and external threats
• Available quickly when needed in the proper format

Your recovery position will depend on your cloud subscription. Contact ATS to find out how protected your data is.

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